Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Summer Events

We have a fun filled couple of months planned for this summer.
Coffee Afternoon Monday June 9th 2.45pm til pick up, pop into the school hall for a coffee and a cake.
Cake Stall Tuesday June 17th, don't forget those 20ps!
Twmpath (Barn Dance) Saturday June 28th, 8.30pm in the village hall, with bar and refreshments from the Gwaelod Inn.  Tickets available now from PTA reps, £6 each or £10 for 2.
School Summer Fayre Sat July 5th 11.30 to 1.30pm come and join the carnival parade and enjoy all the fun of the fayre.   We have lots of stalls and games planned but can only achieve a fun filled day for the children with parents' help, so if you are willing please let a committee member know or drop us an email.
Look forward to seeing you at an event.