Friday, 13 November 2015

Christmas is starting!!!!!!
  • Shopping night wednesday 25th november at Taffs Well Village Hall - tickets £2 (includes a festive drink)
  • Bath Shoppping trip saturday 28th november £16 pp last few tickets remaining.
  • Christmas fayre saturday 12th december.  Loads of entertainment planned, come and see Santa and enjoy the stalls.
  • End of term cake stall
For the Christmas fayre need volunteers to help
  • set up on the friday afternoon before the fayre (during school hours)
  • to set up early saturday morning
  • run stalls at the fayre
  • clear up after the fayre 
If you can help please let a member of the PTA know, or send us an email.

Raffle tickets should be coming home soon, and we look forward to seeing you at the events